
Welcome to CleanSpace, your furry-friend's nightmare and your dream blog for pet hair-busting tips that keep homes and belongings spotless! Explore our pawsome articles to uncover fur-free secrets and witty solutions that'll leave your furry companions wondering where their hair went!

Articles in Cleanspace:

  • Do Cats Shed? How to Keep Your Home Clean and Cat-Friendly

    Do Cats Shed? How to Keep Your Home Clean and Cat-Friendly

    When you live with a cat or several cats, it can feel like such a struggle to keep your home clean. There are so many joys that come with being a pet parent, but with as many joys as there are, it often feels like cleaning up after your shedding cat is a never-ending job. The good news is that we have plenty of practical tips for keeping the amount of cat hair in your home in check. It’s time to grab your Uproot Cleaner Pro tool to groom your cat and get rid of their fur from the couch at the same time. Here’s our handy guide to keep your home clean and cat-friendly.
  • woman with smelly dog

    How to Keep Your House from Smelling Like Dog

    There are so many benefits that come with having a four-legged companion. They’re your go-to walk buddy. They’re your cuddly friend on the couch. They’re the first to greet you when you walk through the door, and you just love that look of them wagging their tail at you. What you don’t love is that unpleasant dog smell over your home. As much as we love our furry friends, the last thing we want is for our homes to smell like them. There are plenty of things you can do to get rid of that dog smell, including regularly grooming your dog with a large pet hair remover and getting an odor-resistant dog bed. Keep reading to learn some more useful tips and tricks to help keep your house from smelling like your dog.
  • uproot cleaner max pair

    How to Keep Your House Clean and Tidy

    In between our jobs, family and social obligations — and doing anything else besides cleaning — keeping your house clean and tidy may feel like the last thing on your mind after a long day. The good news is that there are so many easy ways to keep your home neat with everything else you have going on.
  • setter dog on sofa

    How to Get Rid of Dog Hair in Your House

    Got pet hair everywhere? You’re not alone. Despite the hype surrounding the many endlessly popular — and endlessly adorable — hypoallergenic dog breeds, there’s actually no such thing as a breed that doesn’t shed at all. That means that if you’re one of the 38.4 percent of households that owns a dog, you’ve probably got fur to manage.

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