long haired dog sitting on rug

How to Get Dog Hair Out of Your Carpet and Rugs

How to Get Dog Hair Out of Your Carpet and Rugs

You love your four-legged furry friend. All that dog hair, though? Not so much. It can be challenging and time-consuming to remove pet hair from carpet and rugs in your home, let alone every other surface dog hair ends up on. It doesn’t have to be, though. Getting rid of dog hair can be painless, easy and quick by using any of these methods to remove dog hair from your carpet and rugs.

Get the Best Pet Hair Remover

Use the Right Tool for the Job

Whether your dog’s hair is wavy and thick or short and thin, you’d be surprised at how brushing your dog’s hair with a dog hair remover brush can go a long way. It’s great for both grooming your dog and removing their hair from carpets and rugs. From portable brushes to that pair of rubber gloves you have in the kitchen cupboard, here are some handy and easy ways to remove dog hair in a snap.

the right tools to get the job done

  • Dog Hair Remover Brush — According to Alpha Paw, different dog breeds will shed different amounts depending on their coat type, breed and the weather. As a rule of thumb, assume your dog will likely shed all year long. Because dogs are shedding so much throughout the year, you’ll want a pet hair removal tool to help you out. The right kind of dog hair remover brush will not only remove dog hair from carpets, rugs, furniture and other non-knit surfaces, but you can also use that same brush to actually groom your dog.
  • Wire Brush — Do you already brush your dog’s hair with a wire brush? You can use that same brush as a tool to remove your dog’s fur from carpets and rugs. It may not be the best tool to remove all the pet hair, at least compared to Uproot Clean’s wide array of pet hair removers. However, if you have any few last traces of dog fur lying around, try the wire brush you already have at home. You can use the same method with a rubber-bristle brush.
  • Vacuum — It seems quite obvious, but yes, go ahead and use that vacuum to remove pet hair from your carpets. Use the special vacuum nozzle with rubber bristles to collect dog fur. A small vacuum cleaner can make it easier to clean tight corners or small spaces around your home.
  • Dryer Sheets — The same dryer sheets that you use to make your laundry smell fresh, keep it static-free and feel soft to the touch can also be used to remove dog hair from carpets. There’s no need to wet the dryer sheets or mix them with any kind of liquid detergent. Take one loose dryer sheet and run it over your carpets and rugs. The dryer sheet will pick up dog hair and dust.
  • Fabric Softener — Make your own DIY dog hair remover with diluted liquid fabric softener. Because fabric softener has ingredients that are formulated to loosen pet hair, you can use diluted fabric softener to help remove excess dog hair from your carpets and rugs. Make sure to spot test any fabric softener solution to ensure it won’t stain or damage your upholstery. For your DIY liquid pet hair remover solution, mix about two to three teaspoons of liquid fabric softener with water into an empty spray bottle. Spray this mixture onto your carpets and rugs, and then wipe with a paper towel. Vacuum any remaining dog hair.

pumice stone

  • Pumice Stone — You may not think about using a pumice stone for anything else besides removing calluses when you get a pedicure, but you can use this same stone as a tool for removing pet hair. Because the pumice stone is so abrasive, you’ll need to use a diluted fabric softener solution like the one mentioned above to help loosen the dog fur. The liquid helps to soften the abrasiveness of the stone as well. Because of how abrasive the stone is, you’ll want to do a small test first before working your way through the entire carpet.
  • Hair Curlers — Hair curlers make your hair look fabulous. They’re also a great option for removing pet hair. To do so, roll the Velcro tip of a Velcro hair curler along the carpet or rug. Stray pet hairs will stick to the Velcro tip of the hair curler. Keep in mind that this method works best on certain flooring like carpets or hardwood flooring. For something like car upholstery, you’d want a pet hair remover tool that is specifically designed for that kind of surface.
  • Lint Remover — You’re just about to head out the door to an important meeting or that hot date. You grab that classic adhesive lint remover. You can also use this tool to help remove dog hair by running it over your carpet and rugs. However, it’s sticky — and you have to keep throwing away layer after layer of the adhesive lint remover. As an alternative, use a reusable pet hair remover brush like the Uproot Cleaner Pro™. It works well on your carpets, clothes and your dog, all without that sticky adhesive.
  • Duct Tape — You’ve seen those videos online where people plug up holes on a boat with duct tape. There are few tools that are as versatile as the mighty duct tape. You can also use it to remove pet hair from carpets. Roll up a piece of duct tape with the sticky side facing out. You’d be surprised at how much hair that one roll of duct tape picks up. If you’re looking for a light alternative that won’t leave as much residue, opt for packing tape.
  • Balloons — Make your clean-up routine feel like a party with balloons. If you have any little ones at home, they can join in on the cleaning fun with balloons. Blow up balloons together and rub them all over the carpets and rugs. The power of static electricity will help remove excess dog hair from your home. It’ll lift up off the rugs and carpets and stick to the balloon rather than your floor.
  • Squeegee — Ever gas up your car and squeegee your car windows while you’re waiting for the tank to fill? You can use those same squeegees to remove dog hair, too. To do so, use the rubber blade of the squeegee to pick up dog fur as you drag it along the carpet and rugs. Gather all the fur up into one pile to throw away later.
  • Rubber Gloves — You might not think about using rubber gloves for anything else but washing dishes, but you can use these same gloves to help remove pet hair from carpets. Grab your gloves and use them to remove large clumps of dog hair. You’ll want to use the palm side of the rubber gloves with the nubs on them to pick up the loose hair. As an alternative, you can try latex gloves, but they’re not as reusable as rubber gloves. Plus, many people have allergies or skin sensitivity to latex. To remove stubborn pet hair, moisten your gloves with a bit of water to help add weight to the dog hair and make it clump to easily pick up fur.

Basic Steps for Removing Dog Hair

Basic Steps for Removing Dog Hair

Feel overwhelmed by how many options there are for removing dog hair? Don’t worry. We’ll break it down into simple steps to make it easy for you. Just follow these five simple steps to clean your carpets and rugs the easy way.

  1. Scrape Off Excess Dog Fur — Use a pet hair removal tool to scrape off any excess fur from your carpet. As you're doing so, you’ll likely pick up other dirt, debris and human hair.
  2. Vacuum the Carpet — Because you’ve already taken care of that initial lair of fur and dirt, you’ll have a much easier time cleaning the carpet with a vacuum. If you need to get in deep into the carpet, try a soft brush extension to focus on certain spots that need more attention.
  3. Shampoo Your Carpet — Shampooing your carpet regularly isn’t necessary, but if it’s been months or even years since you last deep cleaned your carpet, you’ll want to shampoo your carpets. Doing so will help remove old stains and lift up any old fur that got stuck in the rugs. Keep in mind that shampooing isn’t a necessary and regular part of your carpet cleaning routine. It should really only be done on a quarterly basis. You can also deep clean your carpets with steaming once or twice a year.
  4. Allow the Carpet to Dry — It will take time for your carpet to dry. Depending on the thickness and size of your carpet, it may take a few hours. You may need to let it dry overnight. Either way, allow the carpet to dry before moving on to the final step.
  5. Vacuum One Last Time — Finally, you’ll want to vacuum your carpet one last time. Once the carpet is dry from shampooing, you’ll find that the carpet may still not be as clean as you’d hoped. After the final vacuum, you can use the pet hair removal tool again to remove any other fur or hair that came up during this final step in the carpet cleaning process.

Preventative Tips for Reducing Dog Hair

Preventative Tips for Reducing Dog Hair

If you have a dog that sheds, you won’t be able to stop them from shedding completely. However, there are measures you can take to help reduce the amount of shedding they do. From routine dog grooming to possibly changing what they eat, here are some preventative tips for reducing dog hair.

  • Regularly Brush Your Dog — Don’t just use any brush to brush your dog’s hair. Practice routine grooming with your dog with the best pet hair remover. They’ll appreciate the bonding experience along with a shinier and healthier coat. You’ll be happy that there’s less of their dog hair all over your home.
  • Lay Down a Towel or Yoga Mat — You might not be able to put down seat or furniture covers all over your house to prevent dog hair. You can put furniture covers on your sofa or couch, but what about that spot at the end of the bed where your dog likes to lie down after a long day of eating, playing and napping? In those spots, try laying down a towel or yoga mat. Use old towels that you don’t use anymore so you won’t feel bad about getting dog hair all over them. If your dog has any accidents, at least it will go onto the towel rather than your nice new duvet cover. As for that yoga mat that never actually went to yoga, you’ll be giving it a new life as a dog hair mat.
  • Use Carpet Protectors — Using a skid-resistant vinyl carpet protector for low pile carpet is ideal for preventing spills and stains. A carpet protector can help trap dust, dirt and debris like pet hair. It’s also a great way to help prevent dog hair from getting onto that area of the carpet. If there’s any dog hair on your plastic carpet protector, you can easily wipe it off with a wet towel or brush over it with a portable pet hair remover.
  • Look at Their Diet — It’s always best to speak with your dog’s veterinarian to be sure, but they very likely have recommendations for a diet for your dog that will help them maintain a healthy coat. For example, some vets recommend fish oil as a dietary supplement to help support healthy coats and skin along with other health benefits such as their immune system, heart and joints.
Buy a Large Pet Hair Remover

uproot clean pet hair removers

Now that you know what to do to easily clean carpets and help prevent your doggo from shedding too much, keep using tools like a large pet hair remover to make it easy. A large pet hair removal tool works well for larger animals and larger surfaces that you need to tackle, like rugs and carpets. If it’s good enough for a horse, it’s good enough for your furry friend!


Image Credits

STUDIO GRAND WEB/Shutterstock.com

Dikova Maria/Shutterstock.com

New Africa/Shutterstock.com
